Some side hustles require time and money, while others demand creativity and smartphone use. Online shopping is becoming increasingly popular, and of social importance., but engaging in online selling has great potential for success.
By: Mihlali Jijana
What is Yaga?
Yaga is an online platform for selling and shopping for new and preowned fashion. It provides secure options for buyers and sellers. Explore unique second-hand clothes, and earn extra money.

Guides to authenticity
Know your target audience: Understanding your audience will make you stand out from your competitors. Set your store in a way that defines you and your brand. Make your store easily accessible and versatile.

Take your pictures: sourcing pictures from other websites or people might give you an untrusted impression. Take your photos in a natural light, and be mindful of your background. It is always best for the seller to wear the items or find a model to showcase full-size items to build trust.
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Write a full honest brief: Be detailed in your description, and don’t forget to mention the item’s state of condition and price fairly. Mention the brand name and the right category, for example, if you are selling G-star jeans put it in the jean category. This makes your store organized and fun to shop at.

Let your friends know: Share the news with friends—imagine how thrilled they would be to buy some items they have been complimenting. Crafting a social media post to inform your friends about your shop could significantly boost your sales. Don’t forget, that featuring your shop in Yaga’s channels is also on the cards if you tag them in your post.
It offers various delivery methods like Aramex Store-to-Door, PostNet-PostNet, and refundable. It is recommended that you make your purchase directly through the Yaga app.