Five Teas You Should be Adding To Your Grocery List
When the topic of tea comes up, it often gets associated with warmth, accessibility, community and juicy gossip! Our mothers, grandmothers and aunts often gather in the kitchen or living room with the hottest pot of tea brewing and just like that the room comes alive with gossip shared, advice given and laughs that eco into the next room. With just these tea bags and beautiful porcelain cups, a community is yet again strengthened to continue soldiering through life.
Tea is more than just leaves brewed in a pot just to be consumed for convenience, each leaf is bursting with beneficial properties that improve health, ease anxiety and prevent illness, which makes it one of nature’s many gifts to us. Here are five teas that we feel are highly beneficial, are accessible and easy on the pocket. So without any further ado, here’s what’s tea!
Green tea
If there is a tea that is overrated and underestimated at the same time, it definitely is green tea. Known for its weight-loss properties, green tea also contains antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory properties for that clear and glowing skin plus it contains flavonoids that can help your heart health by reducing blood clotting and bad cholesterol.
Oolong tea
This tea is ideal for anxiety-prone people as it contains l-theanine, an amino acid that reduces anxiety and increases alertness and attention. In addition to it being an anxiety reliever, it also contains properties that are linked to lowering inflammation and prevent cancer growth.
Chamomile Tea
Dubbed the natural sleep remedy, this tea is perfect to drink after stressful or nervous days where sleep is far from the mind and is replaced by dangerous thoughts. Chamomile tea is also known for reducing menstrual cramps and muscle spasms, making it the perfect companion for all you BIZI BEES.
Hibscus Tea
Now here’s a tea that isn’t often mentioned, good ole hibiscus tea. This herbal tea is perfect for candy addicts as it staves off unhealthy sweet addiction, leaving you feeling lighter and healthier. When its not staving off pesky addictions, studies have shown that is lowers blood pressure levels, improves overall liver health and prevents the formation of kidney stones.
Peppermint Tea
This menthol rich tea is your cure for constipation, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and motion sickness. While it cures your stomach ailments and nausea, it also serves as a herbal Grandpa or Panado and serves as a great alternative to pain relief tablets or powders.
So whether you’re only discovering this tea now or it has already been spilled, take this as a reminder that nature already has the tea to holistic health.